Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Period (1736-1795)
Height: 10.75 inches (27.3 cm)
This Cloisonné Duck has gilt beak, legs and twig-design stand. The body is covered in black and white enamel feathers, with a white strip of feathers down the front. The tail and wings are decorated in multi-colored enamel feathers of red, turquois, yellow, blue, and green and green enamel lining the eyes of white and black enamel.
Private Canadian Collector
Weisbrod & Dy Lt.d., New York (early 1980’s)
A. & J. Speelman, Ltd., London.
Related Pieces
A pair of cloisonné enamel peacock censers, also Qianlong period, was sold in Christie’s Hong Kong, sale 2916, lot 3909, Masterpieces of the Enameller’s Art from the Mandel Collection, May 30th 2012. In the same sale and collection, lot 3924, a pair of cloisonné enamel figures of cranes, having some similarities to the above duck, was sold.